
Monday, February 26, 2018

Story is our Native Language

I feel like story is our native tongue. We all have a story. We’re living our story everyday. We’re revealing our story in our conversations. And when we dream; we’re thinking of the story to be.

There’s some sort of connection that I feel when I’m engaged in a story. It makes me come alive.

Stories can be used by God to connect with us personally. Stories can be like parables from God straight to you.

The other day I was in need of being reminded about some important truths; and I felt led to watch Spider-Man 2. That movie connects with me in many ways and inspires me. I can honestly watch it and grow closer to God as I do. It feels like a parable He’s created for me to watch and be reminded of some of His truths.

Going from inspiration to application might be another post of itself, but don’t underestimate how God can connect with you in story.

Am I on my own on this one? Please talk to me those of you that love stories and are motivated by them.

I can truly say I love stories and am so motivated in watching, reading, and listening to them. Writing them too. But I also want to live my story. God has a story written for each of us. Let's walk with Him in it.

Please leave a comment below mentioning some of the stories that have really connected with you.

Thanks for reading. God bless you.


  1. Story is such a powerful thing! The Chronicles of Narnia was the first series to awaken my love of fantasy and the spiritual truths it's capable of bringing across. But if I were to list ALL the books and movies that have meant something to me, we'd be here a while. :)

    1. Thanks so much for commenting! Narnia is such a classic! I'm so thankful for all of the great stories out there. And you're so right! Listing ALL the books and movies that've meant something to me would take quite a while too. There are so many. But come to think of it, I might have to make a list like that :)

    2. Narnia might be a cliche answer, but it's still a huge influence on me. Yeah, a list like that would actually make a great post! Do it!

    3. I think I actually will make that my next post! Thanks for the encouragement!


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